The Dos and Don’ts of Machine Washing Sneakers

Sneakers have become more than just athletic footwear; they are a fashion statement, an integral part of our casual wardrobe, and sometimes even collectors’ items. However, whether you wear your sneakers for running, hiking, or simply as a style choice, one thing is certain – they get dirty. Over time, your sneakers will accumulate dirt, stains, and odors, and you’ll be faced with the dilemma of how to clean them effectively without damaging them.

One popular method for cleaning sneakers is using a washing machine. It can be a convenient and time-saving approach, but it’s essential to follow the dos and don’ts to ensure your beloved sneakers come out looking fresh and undamaged.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best practices for machine-washing sneakers, so you can keep your kicks looking their best for as long as possible.

The Dos

1. Read the Care Label

Before tossing your sneakers into the washing machine, check the care label inside the shoe or the manufacturer’s recommendations. Some sneakers are not designed to be machine washed, and doing so may void any warranty. The care label will provide valuable information on how to clean your specific pair, including any temperature or detergent restrictions.

2. Remove Laces and Insoles

Start by removing the shoelaces and insoles from your sneakers. This will allow for a more thorough and even cleaning of the shoe’s interior and exterior. You can wash the laces separately by placing them in a pillowcase or mesh laundry bag to prevent tangling.

3. Pre-Treat Stains

Before placing your sneakers in the washing machine, it’s a good idea to pre-treat any visible stains or spots. Use a gentle stain remover or a mixture of mild detergent and water. Gently scrub the stained areas with a soft brush or an old toothbrush. Allow the pre-treatment to sit for a few minutes before proceeding.

4. Use a Mesh Laundry Bag

To protect your sneakers and the washing machine drum, place your sneakers inside a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase. This will prevent the shoes from banging around in the machine and potentially causing damage. Ensure that the bag is securely closed to keep the sneakers in place.

5. Select a Gentle Cycle

When it’s time to choose the washing machine settings, opt for a gentle cycle with cold water. High-speed spins and hot water can be harsh on your sneakers, potentially causing the materials to shrink, warp, or lose their shape. A gentle cycle will provide a milder washing experience.

6. Use a Mild Detergent

Select a mild detergent that is free from harsh chemicals or bleach. Sneakers are typically made from various materials, including leather, mesh, canvas, and rubber, and using a gentle detergent will help prevent damage to these materials. Avoid using strong detergents or fabric softeners, as they can be too abrasive.

7. Add Towels or Clothing

To balance the load and minimize the impact of your sneakers in the washing machine, you can add a few towels or similar soft items to the load. This will help prevent excessive banging and tumbling during the wash cycle.

8. Monitor the Wash Cycle

While your sneakers are in the washing machine, keep an eye on the process. If the machine has an adjustable water level, ensure that it covers the sneakers adequately without submerging them completely. If you notice any unusual noises or excessive movement, pause the machine and readjust the load.

9. Air Dry

Once the wash cycle is complete, resist the temptation to use a dryer or heater to speed up the drying process. High heat can cause the glue that holds your sneakers together to weaken or melt, leading to separation and damage. Instead, remove your sneakers from the mesh laundry bag and allow them to air dry naturally. Stuff them with crumpled paper or shoe trees to help them retain their shape.

10. Re-Lace and Re-Insert Insoles

After your sneakers have completely dried, re-lace them and re-insert the insoles. This step will help restore their original structure and fit, making them comfortable to wear again.

The Don’ts

1. Avoid Overloading the Machine

One of the most common mistakes when machine washing sneakers is overloading the washing machine. Putting too many sneakers or other items in the machine can cause excessive friction and lead to damage. Stick to a reasonable load size to prevent this issue.

2. Don’t Use Harsh Cleaners

As mentioned earlier, using harsh detergents, bleach, or strong cleaning chemicals is a big no-no when washing sneakers. These substances can damage the materials, discolor the fabric, or cause deterioration over time. Stick with a mild, gentle detergent designed for delicate fabrics.

3. Don’t Use Hot Water

Using hot water in the washing machine can be detrimental to your sneakers, especially if they have glue or adhesives holding them together. Hot water can weaken these bonds, causing your sneakers to fall apart. Stick with cold water for a safer and more gentle clean.

4. Skip the Dryer

Never attempt to speed up the drying process by using a dryer or heater. The high heat can damage the glue, rubber soles, and materials of your sneakers. Patience is key; let them air dry naturally at room temperature.

5. Avoid Direct Sunlight

While drying your sneakers, don’t place them in direct sunlight or near a heat source like a radiator. Exposure to direct sunlight or high heat can cause fading and damage to the materials, leading to a loss of color and structural integrity.

6. Don’t Ignore the Care Label

Always refer to the care label or manufacturer’s recommendations for specific cleaning instructions. If the label advises against machine washing, it’s best to follow their guidance to avoid any potential damage and warranty voidance.

7. Don’t Skip Pre-Treatment

Ignoring pre-treatment for stains and spots can lead to permanent discoloration on your sneakers. Take the time to treat stains before machine washing to ensure the best results.

8. Avoid Aggressive Brushing

While brushing is essential for removing dirt and stains, avoid using harsh brushes or scrubbing too vigorously. Overzealous scrubbing can cause damage to the shoe’s upper material, especially if it’s made of delicate fabrics like suede or mesh.

9. Don’t Use the Spin Cycle

Using the spin cycle in your washing machine can be too rough on your sneakers. It’s better to manually remove them from the machine after the wash cycle and allow them to air dry. This avoids the potential for excessive spinning and tumbling.

10. Don’t Rush the Drying Process

Impatience can be your sneakers’ worst enemy. Rushing the drying process can lead to unwanted consequences. Allow your sneakers to dry naturally at their own pace to maintain their shape and structural integrity.


Machine washing sneakers can be an effective way to refresh your favorite footwear, but it’s crucial to follow the dos and don’ts to prevent damage and maintain their quality. By carefully considering the materials and following the manufacturer’s recommendations, you can enjoy clean and fresh sneakers for longer periods. Remember, a little extra care and attention in the washing process can go a long way in preserving your sneakers and extending their lifespan.

So, go ahead and give your sneakers the TLC they deserve, and they’ll continue to be the stylish and functional addition to your wardrobe that you love.

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